Travelling With Your Dog: Is it Possible?

There is a reason why dogs are referred to as peoples’ best friends. As someone who has had 3 dogs in my life, I must say that they are amazing animals. However, if you wish to make them your companions during travel, there are things you must know. Travelling with your dog might be an adventure, and if you were wondering if it is possible, the answer is yes!

Travelling with your dog – things to have in mind!

While travelling with your dog can be a great deal of fun, you actually have to plan that trip while thinking of a few other factors. When people go on a trip, they like to travel on a budget. However, going alone is one thing, but to travel with your dog is a whole other situation.

Preparing the documentation

First of all, you have to prepare a passport for your dog. If you want to take your pet to another country, you must provide paperwork to prove that your pet is healthy. That means you have to do all the regular pet exams, vaccines, etc. That costs money.

Country regulations regarding pets

Depending on which country you choose to visit, you will want to find out what their regulations regarding travel with your dog (or other pets) are. Here is where the vaccination and other exams come into play. You have to time them perfectly to match the time frame for the country of your choice. For example, if your dog’s vaccine paperwork mustn’t be older than 3 months, you will have to take that into consideration.

What is the best way to travel with your dog?

Choosing transportation when travelling with your dog is also very important.

Travelling by car with your dog might be the best option
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Travelling by car

One of the best ways is most definitely by car. You can stop whenever you want, or whenever you need it. Car travel is also fairly quick. Your dog has a lot of space in the back, and you can really make a road trip out of the whole situation. However, if you are travelling with your family, a dog will probably take a lot of space. You also must think about that.

Also, if you are hitchhiking with your dog and wish to thumb a ride, that can go both ways. There are plenty of rules for catching a thumb ride you must follow. Furthermore, people often don’t like pets in the car, because they leave a lot of hair. However, if you run into an animal lover, your ride will be guaranteed!

Travelling by bus

Personally, if you are travelling with your dog, I would never recommend a longer journey by bus. Riding on a bus is mostly tiring for people, and you always feel cramped up. Now, imagine having a dog with you. With so many people around you, you’ll have to keep him quiet. And we all know how dogs can be loud when they feel the urge for it!

On another note, you can’t really stop a bus for your dog to take the nature walk.

Travelling by plane

Many people don’t consider taking their dogs on the plane. Although travelling by plane is fast and enjoyable, they are afraid most of the time. If a dog is too large, it will have to go to the undercarriage. Although this might seem like a scary decision, it is actually better than you might think. The cargo section has the same pressure as the cabin, and it actually has more space.

If you decide on this option, the smart thing would be to crate train your dog to get used to this.

Also, airplane companies have their policies about flying with a dog. For example, short-nosed breeds are, in most cases, not allowed to fly. If you look at the percentage of dog-related accidents during a flight, this breed takes the top spot.

Travelling by boat

When I think about travel by boat, my first thoughts go to seasickness. If your dog was never on a boat, that might be a scary experience for first-timers. Make sure that your dog knows how to swim, and is not afraid of water.

Travelling by boat with your dog might require some planning
Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

Thinking about the temperature

When you are travelling with your dog, you must think about the outside temperature. For example, too cold or too hot temperatures are not good if you have to stand in one spot and wait for a ride. That goes between zero degrees and 30 degrees Celsius.

For instance, Dubai airlines do not allow dogs to fly by plane during the middle of the year, because it is too hot.


Staying in a hotel or a house with your dog also requires additional checkups. Make sure that the place you rent allows for dogs to stay inside. Your best option is to look for pet-friendly hotels or AirBNB apartments.

Camping might be one of the best ways to enjoy travel with your dog. You both get to enjoy the great outdoors and you don’t need to find a hotel that will accommodate you and your best friend. Camping and hiking are both great ways to enjoy travelling in nature and to experience a more sedate way of travel.

Check out campsites via our advertising partners below.

Tools for travelling with your dog

Another thing to have in mind is the tools you will need when travelling with your dog. While they don’t have clothes, you must think about their necessities. A crate or a dog carrier should be number one on your list. Next to that, a favorite chewing toy is a good idea. Better that than to pay for a new couch at the hotel you are staying in.

Next, you should pack some dry dog food, like dog biscuits. Also, when your dog goes to the bathroom, you will have to clean after it. So, bring a lot of disposable bags. Finally, a leash and a muzzle should be considered as well.

Moving with pets

My close friend has 3 dogs. When he chose to move to a different city from Brooklyn, he didn’t expect an adventure. When moving with pets, there are a lot of additional things to think about:

  • finding a pet-friendly moving company
  • packing all of your dog’s things
  • making sure they are acclimated to crates and car rides
  • helping your dog to adjust to the new home

Final thoughts

As you can see, travel with your dog requires a lot of preparation. You must have their best interest in mind when making them your journey companions. Even though the entire process might look a bit tough to handle, the reward of having your best friend be a part of an amazing adventure is definitely worth it!

If you’ve enjoyed this article, take a look at some of our other posts about independent and adventure travel.

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